
The #Resets section of the area file is the portion that tells the mud what to load and where to load it.  This includes mobiles and objects.  This section is not complete at the moment.



M 1 9901 2 9901     a skeleton to Castle Courtyard
G  1 9901 100          place rusty chainmail in inventory
E   1 9900 100 5       weild rusty sword
0 9902 0 9900          place ring on ground before the castle


M <number> <mob-vnum>  <limit>         <room-vnum>   <comment>
O <number> <obj-vnum>    <number>    <room-vnum>   <comment>
P <number> <obj-vnum>     <number>    <obj-vnum>      <comment>
G <number> <obj-vnum>     <number>    <comment>
E <number> <obj-vnum>      <:number>   <wear_loc>       <comment>
D <number> <room-vnum>  <door>        <state>              <comment>
R <number> <room-vnum>  <last-door>  <comment>

The reset commands are:

    * comment
    M read a mobile 
    O read an object
    P put object in object
    G give object to mobile
    E equip object to mobile
    D set state of door
    R randomize room exits
    S stop (end of list)

The '*' lines contain comments.  The 'S' line is the last line of the section.

Every other command contains four numbers (three for the 'G' command).  The first number is ignored.  The next three (or two) numbers are interpreted as follows:

For the 'M' command, the second number is the vnum of a mobile to load.  The third number 
is the limit of how many of this mobile may be present in the world.  The fourth number is the 
vnum of the room where the mobile is loaded.

For the 'O', 'P', 'G', and 'E' commands, the second number is the vnum of an object to load.  
The third number is ignored.

For the 'O' command, the fourth number is the vnum of the room where the object is loaded.  
The object is not loaded if the target room already contains any objects with this vnum.  The 
object is also not loaded if any players are present in the area.

For the 'P' command, the fourth number is the vnum of a container object where the object 
will be loaded.  The actual container used is the most recently loaded object with the right 
vnum; for best results, there should be only one such container in the world.  The object is 
not loaded if no container object exists, or if someone is carrying it, or if it already contains 
one of the to-be-loaded object.

For the 'G' command, there is no fourth number.  If the most recent 'M' command succeeded 
(e.g. the mobile limit wasn't exceeded), the object is given to that mobile.  If the most recent 
'M' command failed (due to hitting mobile limit), then the object is not loaded.

For the 'E' command, the fourth number is an equipment location.  If the most recent 'M' 
command succeeded, that mobile is equipped with the object.  If the most recent 'M' 
command failed, then the object is not loaded.

Equipment wear locations for #Resets

None -1 Arms 10
Light 1 Shield 11
Left Finger 2 About Body 12
Right Finger 3 Waist 13
Neck 1 4 Left Wrist 14
Neck 2 5 Right Wrist 15
Body 6 Wield 16
Head 7 Hold 17
Legs 8 Max Wear (??) 18
Feet 9

For the 'D' command, the second number is the vnum of a room.  The third number is a 
door number from 0 to 5.  The fourth number indicates how to set the door: 0 for open 
and unlocked; 1 for closed and unlocked; 2 for closed and locked.


Room exits must be coherent: if room 1 has an exit to room 2, and room 2 has an exit in 
the reverse direction, that exit must go back to room 1.  This doesn't prevent one-way 
exits; room 2 doesn't HAVE to have an exit in the reverse direction.

For the 'R' command, the second number is the vnum of a room.  The third number is a 
door number.  When this command, the doors from 0 to the indicated door number are 
shuffled.  The room will still have the same exits leading to the same other rooms as before, 
but the directions will be different.  Thus, a door number of 4 makes a two-dimensional 
maze room; a door number of 6 makes a three-dimensional maze room.

Use of both the 'D' and 'R' commands on the same room will yield unpredicatable results.

Any line (except an 'S' line) may have a comment at the end.

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